Plan the day. Celebrate forever.

You found your forever love, and you’re planning an event to honor all that means to you. You are celebrating your marriage!

Maybe you’ve been down the aisle before, but this time it’s different. It’s about honoring the type of love and connection that comes with maturity and the experience of nurturing a family.

Your journey has led you to what truly matters, and you want to celebrate with everyone you love.

Gone are the days of planning around trends and frills. Now your vision is personal, intimate, and heartfelt. Whether tied to cherished memories or setting the stage for new ones, each detail carries significance and every element serves a purpose.

This is the day that tells your love story.

Sure, it’s easy to imagine how picture-perfect and joyous your remarriage, vow renewal, or milestone anniversary party will be. But thinking about all the tasks and decisions that have to be made to get you there can hold you back from even getting started!

Here are some other things that can get in the way…which of these sounds like you?

  • You don’t want a cookie-cutter experience or a template event.

  • You feel overwhelmed by all the information out there, and none of it is exactly what you need.

  • You are confused by too many opinions from well-meaning friends and family.

  • You can’t find good resources for planning a wedding specialized in your age-range.

  • You know planning this event should be fun, but logistics and tedious details are not fun.

  • You are capable and not afraid to make decisions, but how can you be sure you are making the right ones?

When I first heard of Melissa’s unique offering, I was especially interested in her no-pressure approach. Her steady, insightful, and helpful style steered me to exactly what I needed. She saved me hours of guesswork, and spared me from the stress of the unknown!


You can visualize how special your day will be, but figuring out how to capture the fine details that represent your story can be challenging. The logistics and administrative tasks involved in planning a complete celebration are overwhelming!

The idea of hiring a wedding planner makes you cringe, but so does the never-ending to-do list.

Who can you turn to for help?

With the "Just Right" support of a MAXevent Celebration Consultant, your event is planned by you, around your vision and ideas, with the guidance and experience of a seasoned event pro to back you up. You hold the reins and make the decisions, and your consultant will:

Guide you through identifying your unique needs, wants, and must-haves.

Assist you in gathering important information and considering your options.

Save you valuable time from endless searches that lead nowhere.

Help you to budget, prioritize your choices, and plan for the unforeseen.

Support you in finding the vendors that are the best fit for your celebration.

Be there to answer questions, offer guidance, and keep you on track.

Imagine planning an unforgettable event that is everything you could hope for and more.

The MAXevent process minimizes indecision, saves time and energy, and provides a clear direction forward, so you can plan the celebration of your dreams.

"Talking to friends and family about their opinions is nice, but it’s best to have someone with experience give you the tips. Having Melissa as a reference point was invaluable in deciding on a venue, menu, managing budget, and recommendations for decor. Her consulting services are a no-brainer for peace of mind while planning your perfect event."

Ready to get started? Let’s chat.

You know that you can plan and throw a good party and have done so before, but not without feelings of indecision and uncertainty, sleepless nights, last-minute chaos, and anxiety around what you forgot. You also know that this one is different - nothing can be left to chance.

Here’s what you’ll gain from our time together:

  • A prioritized list of your true, unique needs and wants for your celebration, and clarity around your vision.

  • A customized blueprint of the resources and tasks required to throw a fantastic party.

  • A clear path to walk into your event day with ease, and the confidence you did not miss a thing.

  • A spectacular day all about you and your forever love that is everything you imagined and more!

Meet Melissa, Your Celebration Consultant.

I have thrown some amazing parties. And when I first started out, one or two not-so-perfect ones. After 20 years in the industry, I know one thing - no two celebrations are the same, nor should they be. I’ve seen poor choices create difficult obstacles, and I’ve seen the right choices create a magical flow of celebration and joy. Not only do I know the difference, I know how to steer clear of potential planning challenges and choose what feels aligned.

Everyone wants to plan a party that will be remembered for a lifetime. I’ll help you minimize indecision, save valuable time and energy, and create the heartfelt Forever Love Celebration you imagine.

The world of DIY event planning can be a lonely place.

Let me show you what it’s like to have a right-hand gal, a wing woman, and an unbiased, seasoned consultant to support and reassure you in making the daunting decisions that take up too much time and space in your mind.

Make no mistake - this event is all about you and your unique story. Your choices will connect with your life partner and touch your special guests.

I’m ready to help you get past any confusion or hesitancy and make the important decisions that matter most.

©2024 MAXevent / Melissa Cossette Event Consulting LLC. All Rights Reserved.